For vintage Christmas carols… Doris and Connie

This post is WAY OFF topic but seeing that I’ve been addicted to 1000 by Jean Patou, I don’t have that much to write about.  However, I now own a vintage (late 80s) bottle of Chanel No. 5 parfum, No. 5 eau de cologne (also late 80s) and Guy Laroche Fidji, from the same period and I will get back with my thoughts.  I just have to hide my bottle of 1000 which is fast becoming my go-to eau de toilette on those uninspired days.

Christmas 2018 is upon us.  I went to a party last night of about 30 people.  In the background Christmas music played and it pretty well stayed in the background until I heard carols sung by Doris Day and Connie Francis.  I must admit, I had trouble concentrating on my conversation with whoever I was talking to at the time.  Maybe it’s because Doris Day’s and Connie Francis’ musical styles were too enticing to ignore… or maybe it’s because those classic tunes brought me back to my childhood.  I’m not sure.  And yet, there was plenty of Bing Crosby and Perry Como (both whom I love)… but it was the ladies who had the upper hand last night.

And so… I’ll wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  I lost my mother in April of this year and I know other people who lost parents or whose parents are going through a tough time.  It’s the cycle of life.  Never before have I understood the elation people experience when they hear of a birth in the family.  I get it now… and so Christ’s birth is a great thing to celebrate.

My sister and I sold the family home a couple of weeks ago so this lovely tune by Connie Francis pulled at my heart strings last night.

Merry Christmas.

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  1. Mario Fournier

     /  December 23, 2018

    Bonjour Normand,

    Quelle belle chronique aujourd’hui! Je te souhaite un très joyeux Noël. Si jamais tu passes dans le village pendant les vacances des fêtes, dis le moi, on fera qqchose.


  2. Ocean Dreamer

     /  December 23, 2018

    Merry Christmas!


  3. Tara C

     /  December 23, 2018

    Merry Christmas Normand! I’m a sucker for Frank Sinatra but Connie Francis has a great voice too.

    • Absolutely for Frank Sinatra! He doesn’t immediately come to mind for Christmas but he was on several Christmas compilation albums that my dad had bought and which we played non-stop. Euh… before streaming playlists.


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